
台北&台中、2024年9月9日 /PRNewswire/ — 現代のライフスタイルは、不規則な生活習慣、高脂肪・高塩分の食事、精製食品の好み、忙しいスケジュール、高ストレス、過食、運動不足などに特徴づけられ、「メタボリックシンドローム」として知られる現代文明病の出現を招いています。



ゴーヤ(Momordica charantia Linn.)はウリ科の一種で、伝統的な漢方薬です。多くの研究が、ゴーヤには血糖値を下げる成分が含まれていることを確認しており、主にテルペン、フィトステロール、ペプチドが含まれています。市場にはゴーヤから抽出された関連製品が多数存在します(表1参照)。作用機序は、インスリン感受性の向上、グルコース分解酵素の抑制、インスリン受容体への直接結合(3)など多岐にわたります。ゴーヤは血糖値調整の分野で大きな注目を集めています。しかし、特定の成分構造が抽出されていない場合や、市場のトレンドに従うだけで適切に利用されていない場合、消費者からのフィードバックが効果的でないことが多く、市場の飽和を招き、高品質な製品が見過ごされる可能性があります。



ゴーヤペプチドを含むと主張する製品が市場に溢れている中、多くの製品はその機能性や生理的メカニズムの科学的検証が欠けています。市場は混沌としており、品質のばらつきが見られます。血糖値調整のメカニズムが複雑であるため、インスリンに代わる構造はほとんど存在しません。従来、小分子ペプチドや高吸収率の大分子タンパク質はインスリン受容体に結合できないと考えられており、その効果は限定的でした。しかし、グリーンインバイオはゴーヤの本質に焦点を当て、詳細な研究を続けています。彼らは、19個のアミノ酸からなる特定のアミノペプチド配列mcIRBP-19が、糖尿病の原因となるターゲットであるインスリン受容体に直接結合できる稀な天然物質であることを確認しました。構造解析と定量分析を完了し、その独自の生理機能を繰り返し確認する科学的証拠を提供しています。さらに、複数のin vivo機能研究を実施しており、以下のように詳細に説明されています。










1. Wang HY, et al. Food Chem Toxicol. (2014) 69:347-356.
2. Dallas LC, et al. J Med Food. (2011) 14:1496-1504.
3. Lo HY, et al. J Agric Food Chem. (2013) 61:2461-2468.
4. Hsu PK, et al. Nutrients (2020) 12:1252.
5. Pan F, et al. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. (2020) 13:2219-2226.
6. 特許発明番号I580690、中華民国。


綠茵生技株式会社(Greenyn Biotechnology Co., Ltd.)より

台北&台中、2024年9月9日 /PRNewswire/ — 現代のライフスタイルは、不規則な生活習慣、高脂肪・高塩分の食事、精製食品の好み、忙しいスケジュール、高ストレス、過食、運動不足などに特徴づけられ、「メタボリックシンドローム」として知られる現代文明病の出現を招いています。



ゴーヤ(Momordica charantia Linn.)はウリ科の一種で、伝統的な漢方薬です。多くの研究が、ゴーヤには血糖値を下げる成分が含まれていることを確認しており、主にテルペン、フィトステロール、ペプチドが含まれています。市場にはゴーヤから抽出された関連製品が多数存在します(表1参照)。作用機序は、インスリン感受性の向上、グルコース分解酵素の抑制、インスリン受容体への直接結合(3)など多岐にわたります。ゴーヤは血糖値調整の分野で大きな注目を集めています。しかし、特定の成分構造が抽出されていない場合や、市場のトレンドに従うだけで適切に利用されていない場合、消費者からのフィードバックが効果的でないことが多く、市場の飽和を招き、高品質な製品が見過ごされる可能性があります。



ゴーヤペプチドを含むと主張する製品が市場に溢れている中、多くの製品はその機能性や生理的メカニズムの科学的検証が欠けています。市場は混沌としており、品質のばらつきが見られます。血糖値調整のメカニズムが複雑であるため、インスリンに代わる構造はほとんど存在しません。従来、小分子ペプチドや高吸収率の大分子タンパク質はインスリン受容体に結合できないと考えられており、その効果は限定的でした。しかし、グリーンインバイオはゴーヤの本質に焦点を当て、詳細な研究を続けています。彼らは、19個のアミノ酸からなる特定のアミノペプチド配列mcIRBP-19が、糖尿病の原因となるターゲットであるインスリン受容体に直接結合できる稀な天然物質であることを確認しました。構造解析と定量分析を完了し、その独自の生理機能を繰り返し確認する科学的証拠を提供しています。さらに、複数のin vivo機能研究を実施しており、以下のように詳細に説明されています。










1. Wang HY, et al. Food Chem Toxicol. (2014) 69:347-356.
2. Dallas LC, et al. J Med Food. (2011) 14:1496-1504.
3. Lo HY, et al. J Agric Food Chem. (2013) 61:2461-2468.
4. Hsu PK, et al. Nutrients (2020) 12:1252.
5. Pan F, et al. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. (2020) 13:2219-2226.
6. 特許発明番号I580690、中華民国。


Fruit Peptides could provide an alternative to diabetic medicine, researchers say

 By Liza Laws

Bitter melon peptides significantly reduce blood sugar levels in patients who had previously failed to respond to their medications, a study has found.


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Insumate®- Patented Peptide Sequence mcIRBP-19: A Boon for Diabetics Says Greenyn Biotechnology

September 30, 2020

Taiwan’s biotech is gradually emerging. During the COVID-19 epidemic, we had a chance to see the advanced medical equipment and the effective preventive measures taken at the community level. The government took precautions, while private companies were introducing high-quality biotechnology products made in Taiwan. In the post-pandemic period, the world may become more sensitive to the need to strengthen prevention and improve medical treatment. The Taiwan Greenyn Group has been developing health foods for the global market for over 20 years. On Sept. 8, Greenyn Biotechnology, a member of the Greenyn Group, presented clinical results for Insumate®–Patented Peptide Sequence: mcIRBP-19.

Taiwan Greenyn Group: Chairman Wu Chia-feng (middle), CEO Luo Husan (left), and Dr. Hsu Pang-kuei (right), displaying certificates of research results.

Mr. Wu Chia Feng, Chairman of Taiwan Greenyn Group, pointed out, “Greenyn Biotechnology was established in 2012 as a subsidiary of Taiwan Greenyn Corporation. The company has many experts in medical and food biotechnology. Greenyn Biotechnology has invested heavily in research and development over the years, and finally, their products are receiving international recognition. The main goal of the company is to improve the quality of life for all people through preventive medicine.”

Among chronic diseases, the health problems caused by diabetes are particularly pervasive, and growing at an alarming rate. According to data released by the International Diabetes Federation, 463 million people were living with diabetes at the end of 2019, with related medical expenses of US$760 billion. Each year, 4.2 million people die from diabetes and its complications. With insufficient action, these numbers will continue to spiral. China, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific Region account for 35% of all diabetics, one third of all confirmed cases.

Dr. Yang Yi-tien (middle) of Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, which has a collaboration with Greenyn Biotechnology Corporation, displays outstanding results of randomized double-blind clinical trials.

As the company was being established nearly10 years earlier, researchers were already conducting trials on animal and human cells, and discovering that mcIRBP-19 had the potential to regulate blood sugar. Greenyn Biotechnology partnered with Chung Shan Medical University Hospital to conduct clinical trials on diabeties and functional food therapies. Professional medical teams worked tirelessly to carry out these trials, which finally obtained double approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Greenyn Biotechnology confirmed on a scientific basis that a highly active extract from bitter gourd correlated with human insulin receptors. Greenyn Biotechnology called the extract “Patented Peptide Sequence: mcIRBP-19”, and the brand, “Insumate®.”

Dr. Yang Yi-Tien of Chung Shan Medical University Hospital conducted the randomized double-blind clinical trial, which confirmed that Patented Peptide Sequence: mcIRBP-19 had outstanding results on diabetic patients who undertook adjuvant therapy. The trial was conducted on 29 diabetics who were long-term patients of hypoglycemic drugs of less effectiveness. Without breaking routine drug therapy, the diabetic trials were conducted for 3 months, concluding that fasting blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin in the therapy group were significantly reduced. Their liver function, kidney function, and hemoglobin remained unchanged. There were no side effects of hypoglycemia and allergic gastrointestinal discomfort, which usually occur to users of oral hypoglycemic drugs. As for the control group, there was no noticeable difference. The clinical results are being submitted to an International Journal.

Taiwan Greenyn Group No.2 Factory

The unique structure of Patented Peptide Sequence: mcIRBP-19 allows for use as a pathogenic target. These results have been published in the Science Citation Index (SCI). Dr. Hsu Pang-kuei, chief of research and development at Greenyn Biotechnology, has been conducting research for more than a decade. “After many years, we discovered that mcIRBP-19 has a hypoglycemic effect on insulin-like biological activities and can bind insulin receptors. Without stimulating insulin secretion, mcIRBP-19 can participate in the body’s carbohydrate metabolism and regulate blood sugar. Besides insulin, mcIRBP-19 has been scientifically confirmed as a natural product able to bind insulin receptors to regulate blood sugar.” said Dr. Hsu. Yet another clinical trial reported that 142 diabetics who were long-term users for hypoglycemic drugs took mcIRBP-19 for 3 months, and their blood sugar indexes and glycosylated hemoglobin were well regulated. These results were published in the world-famous Journal of Nutrition.

Insumate®: mcIRBP-19 functions to regulate blood sugar, processing at low temperatures with high activity, and passing toxicity tests. This biotechnology innovation has helped Greenyn Biotechnology in obtaining 19 patent certificates and recognition from the world’s largest discovery exhibitions, the Discovery and New Products Expo (INPEX) in Pittsburgh, Pa, USA; International Discovery Exhibition of Geneva, Switzerland; and the Nuremberg International Expo (IENA) in Germany. An extensive summary of mcIRBP-19 has also been published in the Scientific Citation Index (SCI). Presently, many well-known international process manufacturers use ingredients provided by Greenyn Biotechnology to produce health foods. Greenyn Biotechnology attributes these achievements to its utmost efforts in recent years.

Insumate® –Patented Peptide Sequence: mcIRBP-19, a naturally extracted product.

As Dr. Hsu pointed out, “There are many similar products on the market, called bitter melon peptide or peptide-related peptide. But under professional tests, they are only hydrolyzed water or bitter watermelon extract. They do not contain any ingredients able to regulate blood sugar as Insumate®: mcIRBP-19. The most important thing is that strictly selected ingredients must be certified and scientifically validated locally and internationally. Only after rigorous quality testing can the product achieve its medical purpose.”

Mr. Yang Lihua, Secretary General of the Taiwan Functional Food Industry Association, said, “The Taiwan Greenyn philosophy is to rigorously pursue innovative R&D in precision medicine. We define precision medicine as a combination of prevention, healthcare, and clinical testing. Even with the support of scientific testing, improving medicine into a method of prevention takes a long time. With incredible investment and perseverance, Taiwan Greenyn has become a model for various Taiwanese industries due to continuous innovation. They have improved Taiwanese medicine into precision medicine.”

To ensure excellent product quality, Greenwyn Biotechnology has developed a comprehensive, one-stop service solution in areas such as product development, market positioning, formula design, packaging design, manufacturing design, clinical planning, marketing planning and customer service. Greenyn is dedicated to creating new futures for tomorrow’s healthy lifestyles.



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